Find out how your auto repair shop can profit from severe weather conditions and be a resource to the community.
Hiring a reliable and skilled auto tech was challenging before the pandemic and has only become more complicated. We look at some concrete strategies you can use to draw in top talent.
As a repair shop owner, mental toughness is not just a desirable trait; it’s a necessity for navigating the challenges and demands of the business. Operating a repair shop requires the ability to withstand pressure, make tough decisions, and persist through setbacks. From managing employees and dealing with customer complaints to handling financial uncertainties, there…
Let’s rev up our engines and explore the game-changing switch to a four-day workweek as it relates to your shop. By now you may be thinking, “Sounds interesting Coach Twiggs, but how will my shop benefit from a 4-day work week?” Buckle up as we cruise through seven reasons why embracing a shorter workweek has…
As we discussed in Close the Back Door now, the back door refers to the people leaving us — both customers and employees. They leave for a variety of reasons, but a lot of those reasons are in your control to overcome. Just like customers, you spend a lot of time on job postings, recruitment,…
In November I wrote a post on how to avoid the slow slump season during the winter months. Now, we’re at the time of year when car count starts to ramp up regardless of what geographical area we’re in. This will be due to college kids coming back home, winterized classic and sports cars coming out of…
Often, there can be a disconnect between the techs and service advisors, also considered the front and the back of shops. Service advisors and techs, at times, do not speak the same language and may have differing ideas on what their roles are in providing an outstanding customer experience. They tend to work in silos…
“I don’t have enough cars.” I frequently hear this from shop owners when they start working with me. On rare occasions, it is true; when this happens, we identify what is causing the problem and get more cars in the door within a few weeks. Most of the time, however, it is not true. If…
It’s the start of a new year which naturally makes us reflect back on how the previous year went. As easy, difficult, surprisingly sane, or crazy as we may think 2022 went, let’s see what made it work and what made it fail. Hopefully, the wins outnumber the losses, but in either case, we need…
Digital vehicle inspections (DVIs) are central to providing a 21st-century experience to your customers. Just as streaming revolutionized the entertainment industry, digital communication has drastically transformed all consumer service industries. Within auto repair, DVIs enable shops to upgrade their business to the next level. While shifting from paper to digital records can seem daunting in…