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In the meantime, check our schedule to find an ATI shop owner event near you.


What Our Members Say...

Chris Lanning, Lanning Automotive

“We enrolled in ATI’s program and six months later we’re banging out about 40-50% more production than what we were prior to that. ATI made me realize that the structure that I needed wasn’t there and they helped build a plan to get that structure.”

Chris Lanning Lanning Automotive & Tire
Green Tree Auto Care | Orangeville, ON

“ATI has been a great learning experience. Learned more about the industry in the last 3 years than in over 30 years of hands-on in the automotive profession.”

Eric Mileham Green Tree Auto Care
Govednik Automotive | Racine, WI

“ATI has a great program. It is definitely a program that I recommend to other shops. This program can make it easier to manage your business and other things in your own life if you are willing to put in the work. ATI gives you the tools to fix your shop.”

Brian Govednik Govednik Automotive Inc.

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