August 2022

7 Tips to Become a Powerhouse in Life and Work

7 Tips to Become a Powerhouse in Life and Work

by on August 24, 2022

I was fondly remembering tips my grandfather shared with me when I took my first job and thought I would share them with everyone. He was a great businessman, head of a wonderful family, and deeply respected by me as a mentor in how to live a purposeful life and be successful. 7 Tips to Become…

Adapting to the Times Around Us

Adapting to the Times Around Us

by on August 3, 2022

The demands of the automotive repair industry have been difficult for as long as I can remember. Put profitability, marketing, and customer experience aside, and you’re left with the core of our business — automotive repair. Any technician can tell you that the premature assumption of a repair being easy-to-do, can quickly ruin your day…