November 2020

The Biggest Mistake Shop Owners Make

The Biggest Mistake Shop Owners Make

by on November 25, 2020

“Mike” is a shop owner who works in instead of on his business. His business has him in bondage to the point, that when he needs to speak with his ‘A’ tech, he doesn’t look out in the bays, he looks in the mirror! I suggested that he contact a certain “headhunter” recruitment company that sources, screens, and…

Create a Culture of Possibilities

Create a Culture of Possibilities

by on November 11, 2020

The next few months of 2020 is a time to maintain your focus in your personal and professional life. Energy is running low; momentum slows and a shift in gears starts to appear. You must keep an eye on the ball to achieve the goals set forth for your personal and professional lives in 2020….